Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Popping the Kara Cherry

I got my laptop back last week on the 9th and the only thing I have been doing since then is WoWing. I have brought my +heals from something in the 900's to a respectable 1201 buffed. This was done using mostly enchants and inscriptions and the classic Golden Spellthread. I have also been constantly farming AV for honor, and man do I have a ton of marks with nothing to spend them on. so instead of throwing them away I have done the next best thing, spent them on worthless crap! Now I have Stormpike Battle Charger as well as a the Stormpike Battle Tabard and I still have over 40 marks. While playing I met up with this toon call Flagen from the Uthar server who had the best AV macro I have ever seen. Basically it tells each group what their responsibilities are. I will post this macro once I get onto my laptop to grab it.

Then last night I went on my first Kara run. OMG SO much fun!!! although we stopped at Shade, we cleared everyone up until then with the exception of Nightbane. I took as many photos as a Japanese tourist and once I get on my laptop I will post them. In Opera we faced the Big Bad Wolf like I hoped because I really wanted Red Ridings Hood's Cloak and guess what, IT DROPPED!!! it felt so good to finally replace Ogre Slayer's Cover

Here are some pictures I took of the Exploits
I got my first Kara Badge of Justice when we downed Attumen

Really easy fight as a Resto Druid, to be completely honest I thought this was a trash mob the entire time it was that easy.

Next up we took on Moroes... I loved the setting, whats for dinner? HOW ABOUT SOME DEATH!!!

fun fight, kept lifeblooms rolling on the tank and we were done

Next we took on the Maiden, I went down during the fight, but my group was able to finish her off.

there I am staring at her wanting to put my branch into her... i mean....

we cleared some more trash mobs and went to the Opera Event. Like I mentioned before I really wanted the Wolf and we got him!

Next time I face him, I hope he does not come after me with my new Red Ridings Hood's Cloak hehe.

We tried to take on Nightbane and that was an epic failure... so we moved onto the Curator

at this point a guildie came on and noticed that we were running three different groups through Kara

yeah for farming badges/gear

Idlehoof was easy enough

And then we ended the night on a strong wipe to Shade... Asshole trapped me and I forgot to Shape Shift to get out of there...

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